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Perfect for iPads, Tablets, and Small Notebook Computers

If you check your iPad with an RF meter you will notice two things:

1- while it’s on, the RF radiation emission is very strong

2- while it’s off, it still radiates microwaves!

iPad POUCH The iPad Pouch is a shielded pouch with 2 pockets: one which is shielded on both sides, and one which is shielded on only one side. You can use it in several ways to accomplish different things:

Put your device inside the pouch which is shielded on both sides to kill the signal. Radiation emitted will be reduced almost to zero. This is best for when you are not working on the device but you must keep it in the same room with you.

Or, put your device inside the pouch which is shielded on one side only. This allows the signal to still communicate with your router, but shields your body on the shielded side of the pouch. This position also protects the tablet from bumps and scratches as you carry it around.

Finally, while working you can put your tablet on the outside of the iPad Pouch, as shown in the image, to shield radiation to your lap, belly, or legs underneath the pouch.

Simple fold-over top with Velcro closure. Compartment measures 11½ x 8 inches (29cm x 20cm), durable black leather-like finish.