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Ultra Low EMF Telephone


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A Great Solution for Your Home/Office Phone!

Exclusively from The EMF Safety SuperStore!

An exclusive breakthrough in telephone EMF mitigation from Less EMF Inc! A full featured desktop or wall mount corded telephone (no microwaves) combined with a special ultra low EMF headset. You get all the benefits of a normal telephone without putting yourself close to the strong magnetic fields associated with the handset, speakerphone, or telephone base.

The special headset cord is about 3 feet long and uses a clear plastic tube to carry the sound to your ear. Absolutely no electronics, wires or magnets are near your head (style may vary from image). Cord provides distance from telephone base and traditional handset, convenient mobility, and can be extended up to 9 feet with optional extension cord, sold separately. Tested and approved by Less EMF Inc., field reduction is dramatic.

No special wiring or installation is required. Phone includes speed dial, redial, speakerphone and hold features. Phone is white, and has volume control. Phone can also be used in normal fashion by those not affected by EMF. The phone itself does not have any special shielding nor EMF reduction technology. The whole benefit is that it has the jack for the special headset.