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SafeGuard APRON


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Durable, Convenient, and Attractive

This unique apron is constructed using a special cotton based Staticotâ„¢ shielding fabric which is a highly effective RF shield, providing 25-40 dB from at least 1 to 10 GHz according to independent test results. SafeGuard Apron Dimensions Soft feel and gentle to the skin. Completely machine washable (no bleach) and dryable (cool) without losing shielding performance. Generously cut for comfort and great "neck to hip" protection for pregnant women, computer and microwave oven users, TV or radio station workers, research and hospital workers, or anywhere people are exposed to RF radiation. Color styles may vary. Soft feel and gentle to the skin. Completely machine washable and dryable (cool) without losing shielding performance. Generously cut for comfort and great "neck to hip" protection for pregnant women, computer and microwave oven users, TV or radio station workers, research and hospital workers, or anywhere people are exposed to RF radiation. Color styles may vary.