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If you are not mobile, does your business have WIFI?no
If you are not mobile how far is the nearest phone tower to your business?NA
If you are not mobile, does the place of business have a smart meter installed?no
If you are not mobile, is the place of business using EMF blocking materials and have a measured level of protection?no
If you are not mobile, of the available connections at the place of business, how many are listed as strong or good signal?NA
If you are not mobile, what is the average signal strength of these WIFI connections?NA
If you are not mobile, using a laptop or other device, how many WIFI connections are available?NA
If you are not mobile, are there mobile phone towers or panels within one KLM of the place of business?no
If you are not mobile, is this location offering emergency refuge to EHS people in the case of serious complications?no
Roughly how many phone panels are there on the nearest tower?NA
If you are not mobile, does this location allow the use of cordless phones or dect phones?no
If you are not mobile, and if you have a smart meter on the premises, is it transmitting?no
If you are not mobile, and there is a smart meter, how far from the room is the smart meter in meters approximately?NA
House Healing Solutions provides following services: Healthy Home/Office Audits, Electromagnetic Field/Radiation Audits, Pre-purchase/Pre-lease inspections and Sleep Sanctuary and Nursery Planning Consultations.
My name is Triin-Liis Harma and I am a qualified Building Biologist, trained at the Australian College of Environmental Studies (ACES), which provides the most comprehensive training in Australia and is the only college to offer Government accreditation. I am also a Practitioner Member of the Australian Society of Building Biologists (ASBB).
I consult one-on-one to homeowners, tenants, parents and soon-to-be parents, the environmentally and chemically and/or electrically sensitive, builders, architects, and commercial building owners, and integrate several fields into a holistic approach to the healthy home or office, from building and interior materials to electromagnetic fields, proper ventilation, mold and moisture avoidance.
I can work with your building designer/architect/builder to make sure that the building is not just green but supports the health of its occupants. I consider the site, building materials, building design, ventilation, lighting, furnishings, electromagnetic fields, water and air quality and any other personal requirements.
I can help you to create safe and healthy nurseries and homes for children, as well as educate parents of its importance in order to reestablish the balance of health for our children. I also give tips on hunting down truly healthy products for babies and children as most people believe that the products available on our supermarket shelves have been rigorously tested for any harmful health effects. Unfortunately this is not the case with most of these industries being self-regulated.
I am passionate about providing practical information and easy solutions to you and your family, so you all could prosper and be in good health.
House Healing Solutions provides following services: Healthy Home/Office Audits, Electromagnetic Field/Radiation Audits, Pre-purchase/Pre-lease inspections and Sleep Sanctuary and Nursery Planning Consultations.