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If you are not mobile, does your business have WIFI?no
If you are not mobile how far is the nearest phone tower to your business?NA
If you are not mobile, does the place of business have a smart meter installed?no
If you are not mobile, is the place of business using EMF blocking materials and have a measured level of protection?no
If you are not mobile, of the available connections at the place of business, how many are listed as strong or good signal?NA
If you are not mobile, what is the average signal strength of these WIFI connections?NA
If you are not mobile, using a laptop or other device, how many WIFI connections are available?NA
If you are not mobile, are there mobile phone towers or panels within one KLM of the place of business?no
If you are not mobile, is this location offering emergency refuge to EHS people in the case of serious complications?no
Roughly how many phone panels are there on the nearest tower?NA
If you are not mobile, does this location allow the use of cordless phones or dect phones?no
If you are not mobile, and if you have a smart meter on the premises, is it transmitting?no
If you are not mobile, and there is a smart meter, how far from the room is the smart meter in meters approximately?NA
Eco Health Solutions Building Biology
Your Matching Preferences |
Sensitivity | EHS |
Country | Australia |
Trades And Services | EMR Mitigation |
Professionals | Other |
| Australia |
| Dowser / Diviner |
Location |
Country | Australia |
State/Province | VIC |
Suburb | Carlton North |
Street | 366 Rathdowne Street |
Contact Person | Lucinda Curran |
Contact Phone | 04883774766 |
Website | |
Is your home making you sick?
Building Biologist Lucinda Curran offers the opportunity to identify and address potential health hazards in the home, school or workplace.
She identifies, assesses and measures:
- radio frequency radiation
- AC ELF electric fields (using a specific meter, not just body voltage)
- AC ELF magnetic fields
- dirty electricity
- indoor air quality
- lead and other heavy metals
- dust, allergens and pollutants
- drinking water
- mould and water damage
Having experienced EHS and MCS herself, she is in a unique position to be able to assist you in protecting and reclaiming your health.
Servicing Melbourne and the ACT, you can rely on Lucinda for a comprehensive assessment AND a stack of practical solutions.
Call today 0488 377 466