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Heat and Radiation Attenuating Pad for Laptops

Laptops emit a high magnetic field from the base, and annoying heat. HARApad is designed to act as a shield between magnetic field radiation source and the part of your body below the shield. A layer of high-tech radiation shielding material incorporated into the pad contains the field and reduces heat by increasing dissipation to the environment- and away from your body and the laptop. Just place the HARApad under the laptop. Durable, rigid polymer surface acts as a stable platform and fits both 15.4" and 17" laptops.

Amazing high level of performance: HARApad reduced magnetic fields more than 100%! (this means that the magnetic fields were less than background levels with the shield in place) Attractive two tone: black on one side, gray on the other. Easy to transport with the laptop. A tidy 14.5 x 11 inches. Weighs only 28 ounces. Made in USA.