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Does the location have WIFI?no
There is no WiFi anywhere on the premises.
In hundreds of meters, how far is the nearest phone tower?1500
The closest cellular tower is approximately 2km away. No 5G is planned for the town.
Does this location have a smart meter installed?no
This facility will be completely off grid with no meters required.
Does this location have a faraday cage?yes
The entire building is based on zero EMFs within the facility.
Does this location have a EMR canopy over the bed to be used?yes
A canopy will be available not not typically needed.
Is the room using EMF blocking materials and have a measured level of protection?yes
The entire facility will be continuously monitored for EMF levels. The current levels are at considered extremely low.
Of the available connections, how many are listed as strong or good signal?19
Everything will be hard wired. There will be no WiFi or portable phones.
What is the average signal strength of these WIFI connections?NA
Using a laptop or other device, how many WIFI connections are available?NA
All connections for computers and cell phones will be hard wired. There will be no wireless connections.
Are there mobile phone towers or panels within one KLM of the location?no
As stated there are no cellular towers within 1 km of this facility.
Is this location offering emergency refuge to EHS people in the case of serious complications?yes
Yes this facility will provide diagnosis and short to mid term stays for emergency refuge. We will also be providing exclusive EHS first aid training.
Does the location have WIFI in the adjoining building?no
There will be no WiFi networks anywhere within the facility or the grounds.
Roughly how many phone panels are there on the nearest tower?NA
Does this location allow the use of mobile phones?no
Mobile phones are not allowed within the facility.
Does this location allow the use of cordless phones or dect phones?no
Portable phones are now allowed within the facility.
If there is a smart meter on the premises, is it transmitting or manually read?no
This facility will be completely off-grid. There will be no meters required.
How far from the location is the smart meter in meters approximately?96
There are no smart meters anywhere close to the facility.
Delta Low EMF Holistic Healing Medical Retreat
Your Matching Preferences |
Sensitivity | EHS |
Country | Canada |
Place Type | Cafe |
| Whitezone |
| Store |
| Pool |
| Camping |
| Nice Location |
| Other |
Location |
Country | Canada |
State/Province | Ontario |
Suburb | |
Street | |
Contact Person | Richard Ashley |
Contact Phone | |
More Information | More Information |
This is my crowdfunding campaign for a Low EMF facility specifically for EHS people looking for a safe place for diagnosis, treatment, short to medium term stays, digital detox, Low EMF chapel, indigenous sweat lodge, EHS market, Low EMF tiny houses for r
I have a company that has specialized for years in tiny and small innovative houses that are designed to be all-terrain, off-grid, flood-proof and rapid build engineered. The company is called Canadarch International Ltd. Putting together everything I have in my repertoire and what I have learned recently with so many people sensitive to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), I am looking to raise money through a crowdfunding service for a project which is not only near and dear to my heart but is also of great importance to many people, not only in the USA and Canada but worldwide as well. This project will provide a unique, safe and needed space for EHS people not currently available anywhere else.