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Vital Info
If you are not mobile, does your business have WIFI?
If you are not mobile how far is the nearest phone tower to your business?
If you are not mobile, does the place of business have a smart meter installed?
If you are not mobile, is the place of business using EMF blocking materials and have a measured level of protection?
If you are not mobile, of the available connections at the place of business, how many are listed as strong or good signal?
If you are not mobile, what is the average signal strength of these WIFI connections?
If you are not mobile, using a laptop or other device, how many WIFI connections are available?
If you are not mobile, are there mobile phone towers or panels within one KLM of the place of business?
If you are not mobile, is this location offering emergency refuge to EHS people in the case of serious complications?
Roughly how many phone panels are there on the nearest tower?
If you are not mobile, does this location allow the use of cordless phones or dect phones?
If you are not mobile, and if you have a smart meter on the premises, is it transmitting?
If you are not mobile, and there is a smart meter, how far from the room is the smart meter in meters approximately?

Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, Building Biologist

Your Matching Preferences
CountryUnited States
Trades And ServicesEMR Mitigation

CountryUnited States
Contact PersonEric Windheim
Contact Phone(916) 395-7336

We create Safe Havens in a Toxic Electromagnetic World.
I am a Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS) trained by the International Institute for Building Biology and Ecology and also the director of Sacramento Smart Meter Awareness that won the right for all Sacramento homeowners to have the safe analog electric meter. Read about our battle with the utility here. I offer professional EMF & RF assessments with solutions providing low cost and effective remediation: my clients feel better right away. I use professional grade, certified and calibrated instruments specifically designed for Building Biologists and utilize proven Building Biology protocols to detect, measure and remediate: *Electric fields *Magnetic (electromagnetic) fields *Dirty electricity *Radio frequency and Microwave radiation Your EMF & RF exposure measurements will be noted on a �Risk Assessment Chart� and solutions will be suggested and/or performed. Detailed written reports and data logging are available. One of my specialties is the identification of powerful and dangerous magnetic fields caused by wiring errors that violate the National Electric Code and other bad wiring practices. Remediation and repair requires that I work with a licensed electrician of your choice or the one I suggest. I create �Low EMF Sleep Sanctuaries� that allow my clients to sleep and feel better, and they rave about this. I am based in Sacramento and serve Northern California and the Reno Nevada area. I am insured and will travel at a rate of $1 per mile.