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Vodafone and Optus tower next to school

Vodafone and Optus tower next to school petition started, please help

Vodafone and Optus are ignoring the Department of Education's guidelines that state mobile telecommunications facilities should be at least 200m from school boundaries and electromagnetic radiation levels at the school (from such facilities) should be less than 1% of the ARPANSA standard.  This mobile phone tower is less than 160m from our school boundary and microwave radiation levels are estimated to be 5.79% of the ARPANSA standard.  Vodafone and Optus are ignoring these guidelines!  Children absorb this radiation (EMR) at up to 10 times a higher rate than adults. This proposed tower utilises new, untested 700mhz 4Glite, which is much faster and stronger than 3G or 4G. It is being used to plug the hole in the NBN and penetrates our bodies and skull twice as effectively as anything currently being used... Scientific evidence suggests that there are many health impacts for all of us living within a 500m radius of these facilities.  On 11 May 2015, eminent neurologist Dr Charlie Teo and 190 scientists (including neurosurgeons, cellular biologists and doctors) from 39 nations lodged an appeal to the United Nations and World Health Authority (WHO) requesting they adopt more protective exposure guidelines for Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and wireless technology in the face of increasing evidence of risk.  Australia's Telecommunications Act was written in 1997 based on industry funded studies!  Please Help Us Protect Our Children! 

Please help by signing the petition here:

 Vodafone and Optus have used their powers to COMPULSORILY ACQUIRE  property at 92-96 Merthyr Road to install a very large mobile phone