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Frequencies on a Metal Coil Mattress


Frequencies on a Metal Coil Mattress

Author / Film MakerEnvironmental Radiation LLC
Creation DateMay 18, 2013

The Voltage and Frequencies on a Metal Coil Mattress from CFL and LED Lamps on an Inverter

We test a 12 volt DC to 120 volt AC modified sine wave inverter that is powering 2 LED and 4 CFL light bulbs of different types next to a metal sprung mattress. I lived in an off grid home for a few years and I saw my health run down while I lived there. I now attribute that failing health to dirty electricity exposure. I recovered my health once I started to avoid dirty electricity sources and wireless transmitter emissions. My phone line always had a buzzing on it which appeared to come from the inverter system. My electrician said it was a common feature of off grid homes! I do not recommend that people power their homes with modified sine wave inverters. You may get radio wave sickness and electromagnetic hypersensitivity.